Let me be among the first to say Happy Moo Year and let me say it on my mailbox--kind of announce to the neighborhood first. They're used to me. First, I spent one year digging a hole--weed free--along my sidewalk and driveway to establish a new flower bed. However, the weed quotient was terrible and I did not want an invasion in my new garden. Sooooooo, I had to dig and dig and re-dig to get every root out. Why not use a weed killer, you ask? I try to put as little poisons in the ground as possible. Eco-freak and all! So dig, dig, dig over and over. One neighbor stopped by one day to ask if I planned to bury the ex- there. No, he's no problem now, I told him. And he isn't.
Oh, but I forgot my point. I finished the garden last spring and the neighborhood and I enjoyed it all summer -- until last week when the first freeze turned everything black. I'll be cleaning out that mess soon and getting ready for new plants, new growth, new life.
To show my happy mood I will decorate my mailbox with a cheery New Year's theme: Celebration of things to come, expectantly, good things. In the homily today I learned that there is a message in the double-side of nature: beauty and pain (rose and thorns, shower and hurricane, harvest and drought). We want to know why God doesn't talk to us face to face. Well, He did. Two thousand years ago He came to earth and lived among us for over thirty years. Face to face. So amongst the weeds, amongst man's evil, there is something to cheer about--mercy, grace, forgiveness for us and each other.
Happy New Year by any name, even if it is Moo!
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Happy New Year Mailbox CoverProduct Description: Made of vinyl with magnetic strips at the bottoms. There is a cut out for the flag.
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