As with many cat products, each one has its own preferences. Many cats seem to like this.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Litter Magnet 20 oz
Product Description:
Litter Magnet will assist you in treating the most troubling behavioral problem a cat can have, inappropriate elimination, i.e. non-use of the litter box. Often this problem is not medical and cannot be treated with medication. Treatment becomes a consultation with the pet owner, representing time spent for which it is often difficult to be compensated. The Litter Magnet takes advantage of a cat's superior sense of smell. It's rich, earthy fragrance attracts the "problem cat" to the litter box as if it were freshly tilled earth, a favorite "bathroom" for cats when given the opportunity. Litter Magnet? is available only through licensed veterinarians. ?Veterinarians now have a behavioral solution for cat owners who have been frustrated with the actions of their cat. A happy cat household will also reduce the number of cats that are placed in shelters because they won't use their litter box,? stressed Jorgensen. Litter Magnet? also comes with a pamphlet to explain its use as well as offer additional tested solutions.* 20 oz. bottle with a shake and pour lid * Treats 100 pounds or more of clumping/scoopable clay litter * A client educated brochure is provided with each bottle.
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